Have you ever travelled to the UK for a few weeks to polish up your English? Maybe you tried some intensive language training or an immersion program in London, for example?
If so, you probably returned with a boost in your confidence and a clear improvement in your English conversation skills. The only problem?
People always do intensive language training, only to lose their gains when they return to their real lives. Which means? When you return from that English program, your language skills will probably drop shortly afterwards.
So how can you improve your business English at home?
Whether you want to maintain your level after a trip abroad or find an effective method you can put in place without leaving home, here are five strategies you can put in place today

1. Start with some of these resources for practising English online for free.
Luckily for you, these days, modern technology lets you immerse yourself in English wherever you are. Here’s what I recommend to my Business English clients:
Tune into a business-english podcast.
BBC Learn English - General and Business
A great source for business professionals who want to listen to podcasts on business topics.
Or pick up an English language magazine and activate your passive English vocabulary.
Here are some of the best English magazines for professionals who want to improve their English.
These are great online magazines for business professionals at different levels. If you want to read international business news in English with or without an English/ German Vocabulary glossary, you should check them out.
Don’t forget that language-learning Apps can help you maintain your English level.
Of course, not all English learning Apps are created equal. Here are my recommendations or apps for learning English vocabulary.
These apps allow you to create your own vocabulary quizzes for free (Quizlet) or learn business vocabulary in different categories and games according to your own level and pace. (Anki Pro App, € 29,99 annually). Both are very useful resources for learning vocabulary with an app.
Another idea is to watch movies in English on e.g. Netflix.
You could watch movies that you have already enjoyed watching in your native language. In case you need to use a subtitle make sure you choose the English subtitle. Our brain can’t process both languages (e.g. English and German) at the same time.
What do you like best for improving your language skills?
Maybe an app you can use for learning the relevant vocabulary; an online magazine like Business Spotlight where you can read text, listen to podcasts and also learn vocabulary on business topics.
The most crucial part is that you enjoy the medium of your choice.
2. Create your ideal routine.
Once you have some great English-learning resources picked out, you need to get into a routine for working on your skills.
Consider your goals for your English. For example, let’s say it’s keeping your skills up for the conversations you need to have over the next two months.
Now, find a time in your day when you can practice your English.
You can get up a little earlier in the morning and read an English newspaper online. Or you can listen to BBC radio while you are commuting to work in Bremen and watch an English film in the evening after dinner.
3. Find and use the vocabulary you need.
Let’s get back to that example from above.
You want to improve the language for discussions. Then, you could take a few moments after you watched a film on Netflix and take some notes of the sentences you heard the actors using during a discussion.
You could also analyze an article and mark the language you find in it.
Then you need to write it on index cards or create an account on Quizlet for free and review that vocabulary until you’re ready to use it.
Finally, you can see if your partner or a friend can have a quick chat with you in English and practice using your new expressions.
4. Practice in business.
You might need a little courage for the last step. You need to practice the language you have learned so far in your daily job.
Try to set yourself a goal how often you want to practice. Maybe you have meetings every day and then want to practice on a regular basis in these meetings.
Afterwards, take a few moments to reflect on what you did well and where you could have been better.
What could have been better, in your opinion?
That way, you will notice how you spruce up your rusty business English step by step.
5. Get feedback
If you enjoy improving your language with someone who supports you, gives you tips, advice, and feedback, and is your sparring partner, please feel free to contact me.
Research shows that getting immediate and regular feedback from a mentor or coach is vital to making progress in Business English.
Do you want more tips on how you can become a confident and professional Business English communicator? Sign up for my newsletter.
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