Read on to learn about Business English coaching. I will also use my methods as examples to give an insight into coaching.
You've signed up for English lessons with a tutor, and you're really excited to turn your career around and get help with project development on your international automotive team. But your 'tutor' shows up with a list of irregular verbs in English and an outdated textbook on topics unrelated to your career. You leave wondering if you'll ever find someone who can help you with your Business English.
If you've ever had a disappointing experience like this, you may not be asking yourself the right questions before you select your Business English coach. Think about it for a moment: Read on for 3 questions you need to ask yourself if you're considering working with a Business English coach.

1. Look for someone who uses flexible coaching methods.
Flexible coaching methods help individual students with their unique problems.
When someone needs to give a presentation in English to an international audience and feels very uncomfortable about it, I work with the coachee to find the cause of the awkward feeling.
If he thinks very negatively about his English in general, we will look more closely at his English to see if the problem is, for example, really his fluency. Or if he just doesn't know how to present in English, we need to work maybe on the language for presentations and/or on the structure.
After 12 years helping over 100 professionals reach their Business English goals, I've changed my way of working from a more trainer-centered method to a flexible, learner-centered coaching method.
I've learned that my clients benefit more from working on their specific problems and personal career goals than from following a one-size fits all approach.
Because every person (and brain) is unique, you need strategies that fit your learning style and professional situation/goals.
2. Look for a coach who uses a brain-friendly method
You may be wondering why you need a 'brain-friendly' method when you're in management or a CEO.
You're organized, a self-starter, very ambitious, and structured. The problem is that you're also incredibly busy and have a lot on your plate. You can't afford to use methods that overwhelm you, don't interest you, or make you feel all alone with your actual problem.
That's why I use a brain-friendly approach in my coaching. One of the bases for the learners' success is the research-based, brain-friendly coaching method:
Neurolanguage Coaching.
When you talks in a negative way about your English, we try to find out why. Next, we look for positive examples you have had in English so far.
Step by step we work on creating more positive examples of your ability to use English in your daily business life.
Starting with a positive view of your English strengthens your language skills.
It helps you to create new pathways in your brain (through synaptic connection) to use and remember the language.
Initially, it might seem like a challenge because it means a change of old learning habits and views about yourself.
Thinking about yourself and your English skills differently takes practice.
But after some time you'll notice an improvement in your language skills.
Is it sometimes difficult for you to stick to, e.g. learning a language after the initial motivation is gone and the learning process is like a stony path?
For more tips and ideas on how to create a habit, read my blog: ‘This is how you create a business English routine and follow it.‘
3. Insist on a coach who gives you learner autonomy
Learner autonomy means that you are responsible for your learning process and its success--rather than depending entirely on your coach. As an adult learner, you take over a particular responsibility for yourself.
This responsibility also means deciding what you like and need to learn in Business English. For example, perhaps you need to learn how to politely interrupt people in video calls. You would bring this up with your coach in your session, and your coach will help you use the best strategies to build this skill.
Learner autonomy is the basis for reaching your goal for the coaching process.
It also means freedom for you.
In my 17 years as a Business English coach, I've made learner autonomy part of my signature approach because I'm passionate about it.
It means that you can choose the way you like to work in our sessions and your
daily practice.
At the end of the day, you are in charge of your learning progress, and
this way, I help you to "walk without 'crutches." and learn to reach your Business English goals on your own.
Flexible coaching methods, brain-friendly coaching, and learner autonomy are the basis for successful Business English Coaching.
They help you with your specific problem in your individual situation and give you the freedom to decide what you need to learn.
Maybe you need to learn how to make polite requests in video calls with international customers. Or you need to learn how to run international video calls in English.
Whatever your specific goals and business situations, make sure your English coaching helps you work toward meeting them.
What kind of coach is right for you? Book a diagnostic session here.
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